
Volunteering Uganda

Page history last edited by Sarita Hartz Hendricksen 11 years, 6 months ago


To Apply:


Download, save, and send us your completed Application, Areas of Desired Service Form, and a Recent Photo of you to sarita@zionproject.org. 
If you have a Resume, please send this as well. 

Please email resumes and have your references email their letters directly to sarita@zionproject.org.


"Whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
–Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:40)

Least in the eyes of men, but precious members of Jesus' family, are the poor and the broken in spirit of Uganda and the world. A short-term missions trip to us provides you with a two week to 3 month opportunity to minister to Jesus by:

  • Holding a baby
  • Hugging a child
  • Teaching devotions
  • Making jewelry with the Imani women
  • Washing dishes
  • Praying for the sick
  • Serving our staff 
  • Or serving in some other practical way

We are always amazed at what Father God does through our short-term visitors. A father or mother's hug imparts the Father's love. A Nurse's medical treatment brings hope. A counselor brings healing to a broken heart. The Body is built up, the hungry are fed, the lonely are filled, the Kingdom is expressed, God is glorified, and thankfulness and joy abound.


Important Note: Because we are serving in underdeveloped countries and unpredictable conditions, Zion Project cannot and does not guarantee your safety, health or comfort. You will be joining us in trusting God as provider and protector.

Please contact Sarita at sarita@zionproject.org directly at least 2-3 months in advance so she can arrange transport, and program schedules that will fit our needs at your time of visit. 


Special Skills Desired:

Trauma Counselors

Counselors/Teachers (Theophostic, Sozo, Father Heart, Early Childhood development)


Business development

Graphic Design

Jewelry Design


Marketing/Sales experience


Worship leaders

Prayer Intercessors





All applicants should be familiar with the the Zion Project mission and spiritual ethos as a Spirit-directed, Kingdom ministry and be people whose calling and qualifications will help advance our strategic priorities. Long-term missionaries must have the following character traits. Please familiarize yourself with our website, our Volunteer Manual, and Sarita's blog. 

  • Loving; full of grace 
  • Teachable; Encouraging
  • Culturally flexible/adaptable
  • Mature faith 
  • A positive attitude toward national leadership
  • Willingness to work under our vision and values
  • Accountable
  • Able to receive direction well versus having a "lone-ranger" attitude
  • A servant heart which shares the day-to-day responsibilities of community living, walks in God's love, and gives out of overflow


Jesus said, "The greatest among you will be your servant." (Matthew 23:11) To have a great experience please come with the following mindset:

  • Plan on being as self-reliant as possible
  • Don't expect the full attention of any missionary, Zion Project staff member or translator
  • Be ready to take on the most menial task for the good of the cause
  • Look forward to taking initiative and searching for ways to love, work, and serve each day 


How long is long-term?

Long-term service at is generally defined as a commitment of one-to-two years or more with the following exceptions:

  • Positions where there is critically needed personnel
  • Shorter terms that may be available 



Most Long-term missionaries are responsible for their own financial support and come to us as volunteers. There are very few staff positions available and we recommend you serve as a volunteer first prior to becoming a staff member. 


Even so, long-term workers are still accountable to the leadership of Zion Project and should seek to function in an interdependent and submissive manner within our community – including the scheduling of travel, holidays and breaks.


Applicants should be able-bodied and in good health due to the demanding physical conditions of the areas where we minister. Medical insurance coverage will be verified before your acceptance. 


CURRENT OPEN POSITIONS (please download and return with necessary info)

Long-Term Staff Positions: 1-2 years

Rescue Home Manager

Country Director Uganda

Imani Program Manager/Designer (Uganda)

Imani Production Manager

Internships/Volunteering: 6 months to 1 year

Rescue Home Volunteer

Volunteer Coordinator
House of Prayer Intern

Outreach/Evangelism Coordinator

Graphic Design Intern

Media/Video Intern

Need help in the following areas for Imani on a rolling basis:



  • Sourcing materials

  • Jewelry Design 

  • Organizing women/labor

  • Quality control

  • Shipping to distribution points  




Read through the volunteer manual below. 

For all volunteers and teams:


Download this helpful Volunteer Manual You MUST READ this carefully BEFORE coming to Uganda and bring a signed copy with you.


If you are volunteering at the Rescue Home for Sexually Exploited Girls then you must read through this helpful manual.

If you are coming LONG-TERM (more than 3 months) you will need to have a phone interview with Sarita before coming and regular evaluations with ground staff in Uganda. Please arrange the phone interview before coming! :) sarita@zionproject.org.

A good essay on short term vs long term missions: 


Work Permit

Also, for 6 MONTHS or LONGER you will need a work permit. You will need to bring a Criminal Background Check from your Police station with you. Please read this document to find out more. And contact the Ugandan Embassy in Washington, DC for more details. http://www.ugandaembassy.com/ and/or http://www.mia.go.ug/page2.php?1=immig_forms&&2=Immigration%20Forms



Unfortunately due to the amount of volunteers coming through Zion Project and the accounting involved, we cannot accept donations on your behalf as you are fundraising to volunteer with us. Please check with your church/organizations to see if they can provide tax-deductible receipts on your behalf and send out your support letters early. Exceptions will only be made for staff members. Thanks! 


Happy reading!

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