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Volunteering From Home

Page history last edited by Sarita Hartz Hendricksen 11 years, 6 months ago


We need a lot of help to keep things going on the ground in Uganda.


Maybe you can't travel to Uganda right now but you really want to help. Your work in the USA can directly affect the women and children we work with in Uganda.
Maybe you're a college student with a lot of passion and energy! Look at the following ways you can be involved!
We are currently in NEED of USA interns or volunteers! You are vital to the development of our programs on the ground in Uganda. Please email sarita@zionproject.org if you are interested in any of the following positions. Please also submit a one page document describing why you are interested, how you feel you can benefit Zion Project, what skills you can bring to help us grow in the area you are applying for and attach any resume or portfolio. 


With Imani, we have many volunteer jobs that can be carved off to help us expand our business. If you have experience in Sales & Marketing and want to help us please email your Resume and a 1 page description of why you'd like to help and any experience you have to sarita@zionproject.org. 

Under Sales & Marketing to be responsible for managing:

  • Jewelry Parties - Promoting & sending out packets & jewelry to Jewelry Party holders
  • Imani Club- Tracking & mailing out our jewelry to Imani Club members each month; Marketing the club
  • Online Store - Adding new jewelry & photos onto the website; tracking inventory
  • Wholesale- Developing partnerships with wholesale distributors, retail stores, and boutiques

Other areas where we need help include:  

  • Creating an Imani Marketing packet to hand to boutiques

  • Graphic Design & Branding 

  • Jewelry Design

  • Marketing/social media 

  • Applying for Fair Trade status

  • Getting Imani into boutiques

  • Getting into local farmer's markets

  • Modeling


Imani Jewelry Designer

Imani Jewelry Coordinator (in your area)

Imani Jewelry Marketing Intern

Graphic Design Intern

Media Intern
Finance officer/Bookkeeper (knowledge of Quickbooks)- Salesforce a plus :) 

IT/technical website help

Grant writer

Event Coordinator


Other areas: 

  • Administration/Accounting

  • College Campus Coordinators
  • Donor Relations

  • Prayer Team

  • Grant Research & writing
  • Speaker at events
  • Marketing/Networking

  • Media (making videos, photo slide shows, etc)

  • Graphic Design 

  • Mailers



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