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Sponsor A Girl (redirected from Sponsor A Child)

Page history last edited by Sarita Hartz Hendricksen 12 years, 2 months ago

All of the children in our Girls Rescue Home have endured great hardships. The purpose of the home is to lovingly take in girls who have experienced or are at risk of sexual violence, child prostitution, and/or have been abandoned or orphaned. The girls range in ages from 5-14 years old. Currently we have 17 girls but want to keep being able to say yes to Jesus when he brings us another little girl.  We have many on our waiting list. 


By paying only $35 a month you are giving a girl a chance at life, at love, and at fulfilling her God-given destiny. This pays for her to receive a loving home, education, nutritional food, discipleship, tutoring, medical care, clothes & toys. Not a bad deal! :) Your money goes into a pool to pay to sponsor all the girls. This way there isn't favoritism and all the children get sponsored. It also takes care of any issues of dependency.


This year we are taking up to 20 girls so we need NEW sponsors every day! You can be assured that your money is not being used for big overhead costs as we don't even have offices in the USA. Your money goes to protect these children.


They will send you little drawings and thank you notes every year. And we will send you quarterly updates.


You can read some of our girls' stories here. And choose a girl to pray for and print out her picture to post on your fridge!

Also you can come visit your sponsored girls and be blown away by the way they worship Jesus! 


To sponsor a girl just go here and begin changing a life. 


Contact Bethany at bethany@zionproject.org to receive more information today!

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